Planetary View: (Default View)
- Swiping the screen anywhere left and right advances objects based on their distance away from the sun
AU: The Solar System
Latest Version: 1.0
Known Issues:
InfoCard Mode
Sometimes, browsing to external sites via the InfoCard is slow.
NASA's site contains a lot of javascript, and sometimes loads quite slowly, please be patient.
JPL's Planetary Photojournal searches sometimes return articles that don't look like they belong, i.e. a Mars picture in an Earth search. This is often because there is a connection between these articles, such as the Martian feature being compared to something on Earth.
Sometimes InfoCards may return a blank white screen, with grey bars on top and bottom. Please restart AU.
Sometimes returning to the InfoCard mode from the browser results in a black screen. Please restart AU.
Latest Version: 1.0
Known Issues:
InfoCard Mode
Sometimes, browsing to external sites via the InfoCard is slow.
NASA's site contains a lot of javascript, and sometimes loads quite slowly, please be patient.
JPL's Planetary Photojournal searches sometimes return articles that don't look like they belong, i.e. a Mars picture in an Earth search. This is often because there is a connection between these articles, such as the Martian feature being compared to something on Earth.
Sometimes InfoCards may return a blank white screen, with grey bars on top and bottom. Please restart AU.
Sometimes returning to the InfoCard mode from the browser results in a black screen. Please restart AU.

The Solar System Dock: (Bottom Center)
- The Dock at the bottom allows you to tap and directly go to a planet, or scroll through all objects by swiping across with your finger
Solar System Portrait Mode: (Upper Left Corner)
- This ‘family view’ of our Solar System allows you to choose any of the objects by tapping it
Orrery Mode: (Lower Left Corner)
- Tap on the Sun to zoom into and out of the Inner Solar System. While the distance between the planets here is reduced for scale, the relative speed of their orbits is accurate, just like an old-time mechanical orrery.
InfoCard Mode: (Lower Right Corner)
- This enters the Infocard Mode, with the currently selected planet as your target. Use the InfoCard Mode to explore statistics, missions and images of your favorite planets!
- The navbar at the top allows you to cycle through the Statistics, Satellites, and Missions of your currently selected object.
- The lower navbar in Infocard Mode will take you to Wikipedia, the JPL Photojournal, and NASA’s page for your currently selected object, and of course, you can close InfoCard Mode to return to the Planetary View.